Blue yellow
Blue red
Orange green
Ambient (high color)

Mountains ⛰️
Digital Sense

Grab the new super informative ⛰️ Watch Base Mountains ⛰️ and enjoy its numerous features and colorful looks! ★ Highly Informative ★ Modern Flat Design ★ Cool Color Options ★ Beautiful Details ★ Suitable For Both Men & Women ~ The mountains are calling and I must go. ~ ★★★ Weather ★★★ ✅ Weather Conditions ✅ Temperature ✅ Location ✅ Altitude ✅ Atmospheric Pressure ★★★ Health ★★★ ✅ Steps ✅ Floors ✅ Distance ✅ Calories ✅ Heart Rate ★★★ General Features ★★★ ✅ Digital Time ✅ 24H mode ✅ Date ✅ Day of the Week ✅ Battery Status ✅ 5 Color Themes ✅ Custom AOD Themes ★★★ How to ★★★ ✋ Double tap to change colors. ✋ Tap once on time numbers to switch between AM/PM mode and 24 H mode. ✋ Tap once on the distance area to change the units (km - miles) ✋ Tap once on the temperature area to change the units (°C to °F) ✋ Tap once on the altitude area to change the units (m to feet) ✋ Tap once on the atmospheric pressure area to change the units (hPa to inHg) _____ ✍ Please email us directly ✉ with any questions or concerns. We will take care of your requests and try to help you in due time. ✨ If you like the watch face and want to support us, please take a moment and leave a good review/rating! ★★★★★ ✋ Follow Watch Base: ➡️ https://watchbase.store/ ➡️ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WATCHBASE ➡️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyGalaxyWatchfaces/ ➡️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/my.galaxy.watchfaces/ ➡️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/watchbase_faces ➡️ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchBase/


top hoffe kommt bald. sieht gut aus. 👍👍

This is a truly unique face, I love it ❤️️
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