Ambient (high color)
Black gradient1
Black green
Black 3
Black 2

Digital Base
Digital Sense

A must-have hybrid watch face with a well legible digital info board. ★ Highly informative ★ Well legible ★ Modern look ★ FEATURES ✅ hybrid: digital & analog time ✅ am/pm ✅ 12/24h formats (Tap once on the hour numbers to switch between the formats. The format is NOT set by your phone!) ✅ date & month ✅ day of the week ✅ moon phases ✅ battery status ✅ used space status ✅ 6 color themes ✅ special aod ✅ 2 apps shortcuts: health & calendar ✅ animated walking man (steps) ❤ HEALTH ✅ heart rate ✅ steps & steps progress ✅ distance (tap once on the {distance area} to change the units: km ~ miles) ✅ calories ___ ★ How to ✋ Double tap to change the color themes. ✋ Tap once on the {digital hour numbers} to switch between 12 ~ 24H modes. ✋ Tap once on the {distance area} to change the units: km ~ miles. ✋ Tap once on the heart rate area to open Health. ✋ Tap once on the date to open the Calendar. ____ ✍ Please email us directly ✉ with any questions or concerns. We will take care of your requests and try to help you in due time. ✨ If you like the watch face and want to support us, please take a moment and leave a good review/rating! ★★★★★

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